Author: Fs19 mods


FS19 – Hay Cutter Dolly V1

This is a dolly that convetrs the hydrauilc attachment to a trailer for using smaller tractors with bigger tools.Price: 1.500€


FS19 – Multi-Storage V1

ArtMechanic introduces its 2020 model, which improves its loading speed while maintaining its great features: Capacity: 800.000 Lts. per product. Loading speed: 1.500 Lts/sec. Price: 180.000 € Upkeep: 60 €/day Crops: Wheat, barley, oat,...


FS19 – Reversing Indoor Camera V1

With this mod you can look back throw the side window when you are reversing with truck and trailer e.g.(like in ETS 2).You can also lean to front / back or move driver\’s seat....


FS19 – Vehicle Control Addon V1

This script varies the steering speed depending on the speed you are driving, and it rotates the camera to match the steering angle and direction.Shift-Left limits throttle, cruise control and maximum rounds per minute...