Category: Objects


FS19 – Philippine Flag V1

Hi. Here is the requested Philippine Flag. Multiplayer support added. You will find this under placeables in Decoration after you have added this to your mod folder. If you are wanting your country flag...


FS19 – Pennsylvania State Flag V1

Hi. Here is the requested Pennsylvania state flag. Multiplayer support added. You will find this under placeables in Decoration after you have added this to your mod folder. If you are wanting your country...


FS19 – Grosse Siloanlage V1.3

Hello dear LS 19 Community!Here is our large silo system for the LS19! UPDATE 1.1:– Error while uploading to the Dedicated server fixed. UPDATE 1.2:– Fixed an error loading some fruits Version 1.3Optimization of...


FS19 – Karussel + Rondell V2

I took the ground from the roundpen and put up the dressArena of the Ravenport. Version 2Animated Now everything is placeable and you can buy it under decoration. Have fun with it. The dressageArena...