FS19 – Krampe Bandit 750 V2

FS19 - Krampe Bandit 750 V2
Hello, This is my Krampe Bandit 750. No tow bar may be used or selected in the savegame for the Simple IC function.

What was done:
-New bulkheads
-Added warning stripes in yellow, orange and white
-Tire configurations sorted in the XML and in the shop
-You can now load bales (only round bales with a SIC point at the back left)
-RUL added back right

Authors: pics_by_pfote (Westfalenmodding), alboxils (Westfalenmodding), b3astfarming  
File :14.7 MB / ZIP 
Download FS19 – Krampe Bandit 750 V2 - www.modsup.com
Download FS19 – Krampe Bandit 750 V2 - modsbase.com

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