FS19 – Pickup 1969 Brazil V3

FS19 - Pickup 1969 Brazil V3
Price: 26000€
Power: 200 hp
Max. speed: 70 kph

Change log 3.0:
-Tinted glass added.
-Adjusted color of lights.
-Pedals now working properly.
-Panel pointers now working properly.
-Player model adjusted.
-Added new texture on the panel.
-Added optional color in white parts.
-Placed hitch.
-Added new parts inside.
-Adjusted physics of model

Changelog 1.1:
-Pipes working properly.
-Physics of the truck working properly.
-Optional tires.
-Optional colors.

Changelog 2.0:
-Improvements in physics.
-Optional bodies.

Authors: Conta Comigo Modding  
File :14.0 MB / ZIP 
Download FS19 – Pickup 1969 Brazil V3 - modsbase.com

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